Saturday, September 24, 2011

Hot Yoga

Be Still

“Be still and know that I am God.”
(D&C 101:16)

Today, my companion and I were talking about the act of being still. I thought to myself, what does that even mean? We came up with many different thoughts, maybe not moving, not speaking, not breathing, pondering or completely clearing our minds. I thought back to my days of doing Bikram yoga or hot yoga. I remembered the pose called the Savasana. It is the pose you do after an intense yoga move so that your body can rest. It was my favorite one; weirdly it was the most challenging. You had to lie completely STILL with your hands by your side and you were to clear your minds completely. You had to BE STILL.  After thinking of that pose, I realized why it is so important that we need to "BE STILL!" It is so we can rest and take in all of the good things. If we are always moving then we are missing out on things Heavenly Father wants to show us.  

After thinking of that pose, I realized why it is so important that we need to "BE STILL!" It is so we can rest and take in all of the good things. If we are always moving then we are missing out on things Heavenly Father wants to show us. About three weeks ago my companion and I were driving around trying to visit people. We were pretty upset because all of our appointments fell through. As I sat in the car, I pulled out a sheet with names on it from about two years ago. I just sat and looked out the window, thinking what are we to do. Instead of talking we just sat there and were still and it felt right, like we were suppose to wait. After about 10 minutes, I pointed to two names and said we must see them. 

 After trying to see the first lady, we realized she had moved. Upset again, we stood still. The only thought we both had was go to the next house. We wanted to continue but everything was fighting against us. I said a silent prayer, asking that we would have a miracle. We got back in the car and drove to the next trailer. There was a lady waiting outside, she waved at us and the first thing she said to us was..."I just prayed and asked for someone to help me stop smoking and you showed up!" We told her we were trying to visit another lady, she asked her name and she said "Oh that's my daughter." That was the first time I realized how important standing still is. We were able to help two families that day because we stood still. When we stand still we can listen to the Holy Ghost and he can guide us. 


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